Welcome to our Confidence Counts Club

There’s nothing better than seeing your child smile confidently and enjoying life! And that’s the goal of the Confidence Counts Club at Rapids Orthodontics. By scheduling a free orthodontic evaluation, your child is automatically enrolled in the club. Get free access to annual monitoring of your child’s oral growth and development by our specialized orthodontists, plus SUPER FUN exclusive activities, events, and giveaways just for club members ages 6 and up.

The importance of annual orthodontic exams

Since there is no single timeline for all children and adolescents to begin orthodontic treatment, annual orthodontic exams with our specialized orthodontists for children ages 7-17 will determine the ideal timing for any needed orthodontic treatment, based on your child’s individual development and needs.

Set them up for success

A lot of changes for your child as they grow up, including their teeth and smile. And every parent wants their child to have an amazing smile that boosts their self-esteem and confidence, as well as their physical health! For most children, some type of orthodontic treatment is needed to achieve a perfectly aligned smile for life.

Ensure proper growth

Both our orthodontists and the AAO agree that an initial orthodontic evaluation should happen at the age of 7, to evaluate your child’s unique growth and development of their teeth, jaw, and facial structure. Annual exams ensure any necessary orthodontic corrections are perfectly aligned with their growth and needs.

Prevention is key

Early annual orthodontic evaluations with our specialized orthodontists will identify and intercept any problems with the developing teeth and jaws, which can potentially eliminate the need for more serious intervention as your child grows older (often reducing time in treatment, costs, and added orthodontic visits).

Why Rapids Orthodontics

At Rapids Orthodontics, our doctors are orthodontic specialists, so they can provide the most comprehensive evaluation, honest feedback, and education on the ideal treatment timing and options for your child—based on their unique goals, needs, and lifestyle. Our orthodontic evaluations are always free and include one-on-one doctor time, digital x-rays, and an honest expert evaluation of your child’s orthodontic needs and treatment outlook.

Free comprehensive exam

Receive a free, comprehensive oral exam with an orthodontic specialist

Free digital x-rays

Digital X-rays are included in your child's free consultation

Free iTero® 3D mouth scan

Your orthodontist will create a 3D image of your child's teeth in just minutes using an iTero scanner

Free success planning

Your orthodontist will discuss your child's role in the design and success of their treatment

Free personalized treatment plan

You'll receive customized information detailing your child's braces or Invisalign® treatment

Free financing consultation

Discuss and take advantage of affordable treatment payment options

The Confidence Counts Club has a lot of benefits!

All children who receive an orthodontic evaluation at Rapids Orthodontics are automatically enrolled in our FREE Confidence Counts Club!

Free annual orthodontic exams with one-on-one doctor time, digital x-rays, and personalized treatment planning
Free exclusive access to super fun activities and events to build friendships while enjoying and supporting the communities around us
Free educational tools and special prizes to encourage great oral hygiene and dental health

Confidence Counts Club member events

There are currently no events available in this region, but we encourage you to check back next month!

Signs your child needs early orthodontic treatment

How to schedule your child's first exam

A confident, healthy smile is for everyone – which is why our early orthodontic evaluations and Confidence Counts Club membership at Rapids Orthodontics is always free. No dental referral is needed, and our team is happy to give second opinions on your child’s care. We want the best orthodontic health and treatment outcomes for your child – and that’s exactly what you’ll find at Rapids Orthodontics.

Simply schedule your child for their initial orthodontic exam today online (and FREE Confidence Counts Club membership), and we will get in touch to confirm your child’s appointment.

Looking to schedule your next annual orthodontics evaluation?

If it’s time to schedule your next annual exam, call or request an appointment, and we will get in touch to set up your child’s visit.

Here’s what our patients have to say

Elizabeth K.
I love the friendly atmosphere and how willing the Rapids team is to help with any and every question asked!